[DOCUMENT] la CEDEAO suspend les sanctions contre le Mali

President of the CNSP (National Committee for the Salvation of the People) Assimi Goita (C) prepares for a meeting between Malian military leaders and an ECOWAS delegation headed by former Nigerian president on August 22, 2020, in an aim to restore order after the military coup in Bamako. - West African envoys held talks with Mali's military junta on August 22 to try to push for a speedy return to civilian rule after a coup in the troubled nation. The delegation, headed by former Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan, held talks for half an hour with soldiers who seized power on August 18, including new strongman colonel Assimi Goita, an AFP journalist said. The envoys from the the regional ECOWAS bloc also hope to meet ousted president Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, who is being detained by the junta at a military camp outside Bamako. (Photo by ANNIE RISEMBERG / AFP)

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